I suppose I was a bit inspired by Professor Echeverry's Modern Saints portraits from his website when doing my grid art project. (http://www.echeverry.tv/?f=photos&b=saints) I decided the best way to effectively translate an image from its original form into a grid was to project the image and build the project on top of it.
I decided the coolest way to do this (in keeping with the theme of my pop blog) was to use Post It Notes. I snuck into Plant Hall for a 3 hour night marathon of sticking post its to a projector screen. It ended up a lot bigger than the minimum requirement. Things I learned:
1) Post Its do not stick to screens. I had to use a small piece of scotch tape to get them to temportarily stay.
2) Do not assume a room will be free for the rest of the night when two professors tell you it is. A club meeting interrupted me an hour in. I had to wait outside and finish later
3) All projectors in Plant Hall automatically turn off at 10:20. I learned this the hard way and had to finish up without it. At least there wasn't much left.
4) Plant Hall is definitely haunted. I seriously can not explain the things I experienced that night.
I recreated what the projected image looked like on top of the Post Its...
The finished product without the projection...
Hundreds of Post It Notes and the aftermath... That wasn't even my Dairy Queen. :(
I'm really happy with the way it turned out!
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