Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Howl is Not Too Obscene

Reading the article 'Howl' Too Hot to Hear I was really more concerned about things the FCC is censoring besides the poem. Of course the language of the poem is interesting with the context we have for it today, but it wasn't the place of an independent station to air something with such a risk attached.

In places like Europe where audiences are desensitized to language and sexuality a poem like this would never be such a big deal. It makes me question why America holds the backwards values it does. I'd like to echo Professor Echeverry's question of why there was more outrage over Janet Jackson's boob than there was for 25 murdered children. It's wrong and the fact that Howl's language is still an issue decades after it was written shows just how backwards America is.

It seems pretty obvious. People should care more about bombs than they do about boobs.

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